If you’re ever in the mood for a classic sweet treat, prepare these delicious Old Fashioned Glazed Donuts. They’re the perfect comfort food to enjoy for breakfast or a quick snack throughout the day. Imagine having them warm in the morning with your coffee – doesn’t that sound delightful?

These donuts are incredibly easy to prepare at home from scratch with ingredients like cake flour, sour cream, butter, and shortening. You can whip them up in no time and enjoy a delightful treat that the entire family will love for breakfast!

A Taste of Nostalgia

Do you remember your childhood days when your parents would take you to the local bakery to get some Old Fashioned Glazed Donuts? That special taste and texture can now be replicated at home with this recipe using sour cream, shortening, and a few other essential ingredients. It’s a trip down memory lane that you can share with your loved ones. Trust me, seeing the smiles on their faces when these homemade donuts are ready to eat is priceless!

Why You’ll Love These Donuts

Let me tell you a few reasons why you’ll fall in love with these old-fashioned donuts:

  • Sweet: These donuts have just the right amount of sweetness. Not overpowering, just perfect!

  • Fun: Preparing these donuts from scratch is a fun experience. And it’s worth it! The difference in taste and texture compared to store-bought options is remarkable.

  • Delicious: These donuts are simply delicious. Enjoy them as often as you like, whether you want one in the morning or as a snack between meals.

I love everything about these donuts. If you’re a fan of the old-fashioned style, this is one recipe you absolutely need in your life!

The Ingredients You’ll Need

To make these Old Fashioned Glazed Donuts, here are the essential ingredients:


  • 2 3/4 cups of cake flour

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 2/3 cup of sugar

  • 2 tablespoons of butter

  • 1 tablespoon of shortening

  • 3 egg yolks

  • 3/4 cup of sour cream

  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar


  • 3 cups of powdered sugar

  • 1/3 cup + 1 tablespoon of milk

  • 1 tablespoon of corn syrup

  • 2 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla

  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

You’ll also need vegetable oil for frying.

Variations to Try

Here are a few fun variations you can experiment with:

  • Powdered Sugar: If you don’t want to prepare the glaze, you can sprinkle powdered sugar on top of your donuts instead.

  • Cinnamon Donuts: Add a touch of cinnamon by including ground cinnamon powder in the flour mixture.

  • Chocolate Glaze: Some people enjoy a chocolate glaze on their donuts. You can prepare a glaze as usual and include a touch of chocolate syrup or cocoa powder for that delightful chocolate taste.

Tips for Making Perfect Donuts

  • If you don’t have shortening, melted butter can be used as a replacement.

  • Avoid overmixing the ingredients when adding the flour to the recipe. Overmixing can impact the texture of the donuts.

  • When adding the donuts to the oil, use a slotted spoon to remove any excess oil.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to use vegetable oil for frying these donuts? Vegetable oil is best for frying the donuts. However, if you don’t have vegetable oil, canola oil can be used as a substitute.

What texture do these donuts have? These donuts have a soft and delicate cake-like texture. Every bite will feel delightful, just like the old-fashioned donuts you remember.

Can I use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream? Absolutely! Greek yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream. It has a similar taste and is even better for you.

Bonus Recipe: Homemade Panettone

This easy panettone recipe is a simplified version of the original, but you won’t even notice the difference when you taste it! This traditional Italian sweet bread is increasingly popular during Christmas worldwide.

The original recipe is quite elaborate, using a special sourdough starter and a process that takes several days. In this recipe, we have simplified the process quite a bit. However, it still takes some time and has its tricks, but it’s definitely worth it!

The tradition of panettone dates back centuries, and nowadays, it’s an essential element in Christmas celebrations in many homes. Modern variations include versions with additional fillings, such as chocolate or cream, but the essence of panettone remains the same.

It’s a festive delicacy that is shared and enjoyed during the holiday season. Its unmistakable aroma and unique flavor make panettone a cherished culinary gift and a symbol of celebration during the end-of-year festivities.

Preparation Time:

  • Serves 4 / 45 minutes / Medium difficulty



  • 400g special flour

  • 10g instant yeast

  • 4g strong dough improver

  • 10g gluten

  • 180ml water

  • 80g sugar

  • 10g butter


  • 225g special flour

  • 80g egg yolks (without whites)

  • 110g sugar

  • 80g salt

  • 10g shine enhancer

  • 6g emulsifier

  • 5g wheat gluten

  • 80g anti-mold agent

  • 6g powdered milk

  • 100ml water

  • 5g strong dough improver

  • 50g butter

  • 45g margarine

  • 180g raisins

  • 170g candied fruit

  • 80g panettone essence



  1. Place the flour and instant yeast in a mixer, mix them dry until everything comes together.
  2. Then add the water, dough improver, sugar, and knead.
  3. After a few minutes, add the butter and continue kneading until you get a regular, unrefined dough.
  4. Let it ferment for 2.5 to 3 hours.


  1. Place the sponge in the mixer with the egg yolks, sugar, salt, emulsifier, shine enhancer, and water.
  2. Knead until the mixture is homogeneous.
  3. Pre-mix the special flour with the powdered milk, anti-mold agent, wheat gluten, and strong dough improver.
  4. Continue kneading. When the dough starts to become elastic, add the margarine and essences, and keep kneading until you get a thin, elastic dough.
  5. Finally, add the raisins and candied fruit. Let the dough rest for a few minutes, then cut and shape it into desired units.
  6. Let it rest for 10 minutes, shape the dough into rolls for the second time, and place them in molds.
  7. Let it ferment for about three hours, then bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes.

Now you can enjoy your homemade panettone!