We all know Sylvester Stallone as the tough and tenacious Rocky Balboa, but did you know that during the filming of “Rocky IV,” Stallone endured some real-life blows?

In a candid documentary about the making of the film, Stallone reveals that he was subjected to significant hits from his on-screen opponent, Dolph Lundgren, which even resulted in a hospital visit.

Stallone shares in the documentary, available on his YouTube account, that Lundgren “pulverized” him. Although he didn’t initially feel the impact, he gradually started experiencing discomfort in his chest that night. Stallone likened the injury to the feeling one gets when their chest is thrown against a steering wheel after a car accident. Ouch!

“They thought I was going to be talking to angels when my blood pressure went up to 260,” Stallone recalled. The severity of the situation led to him being flown from Canada to the St. John’s Hospital intensive care unit in Santa Monica, California, where he spent four days recovering. Stallone humorously remarked about the journey, saying he was taken through a “low altitude flight.”

To add a surreal touch, Stallone mentioned that the only people he encountered in the ICU were nuns. Talk about an unexpected companion during a hospital stay! Despite his condition, Stallone felt a sense of obligation to return to the arena and complete the intense battle that awaited him.

Amazingly, the actual blow he received from Lundgren, who played the imposing Soviet boxer Ivan Drago, made its way into the final film. Stallone quipped, “How could you possibly rule that out?” It seems that Stallone’s commitment to authenticity knew no bounds.

In “Rocky IV,” Stallone’s Rocky Balboa is already a world boxing champion, having proven his mettle in the ring. When he discovers that Drago has killed his dear friend Apollo Creed (played by Carl Weathers), Balboa embarks on a journey to the Soviet Union to go head-to-head with the formidable opponent.

“Rocky IV” continues the beloved “Rocky” franchise, captivating audiences with Stallone’s unwavering determination and the heart-pounding action. So, l