At 90 years old, William Shatner has achieved tremendous success as an actor, particularly in his iconic role as Captain James T. Kirk in the Star Trek series. However, even someone as influential as Shatner can face difficult obstacles. Recently, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, a terminal illness that threatened to cut short his remarkable life.

A Life Filled with Accomplishments

Before his diagnosis, Shatner had already made a name for himself in both the acting and music industries. With eight albums under his belt, he had proven his talent and versatility. But then, prostate cancer cast a shadow over his life, forcing him to confront his own mortality.

William Shatner

In an interview with NBC, Shatner opened up about the stark reality of his diagnosis. He recalled the moment a doctor told him the devastating news, leaving him unsure of how to react. Thoughts of his own funeral flooded his mind.

Finding Hope in the Midst of Despair

Prostate cancer often progresses slowly, with symptoms only appearing when the prostate enlarges to the point of obstructing urine flow. To determine the seriousness of his cancer and rule out non-cancerous conditions, Shatner’s doctor conducted a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.

“Up until that point, my PSA levels were within the acceptable range, but now they were at ten,” Shatner revealed. “The doctor told me it was an aggressive form of cancer. My body had deceived me.”

Stunned and angry, Shatner found himself contemplating death. He even drafted his will, making preparations for the inevitable. But on an emotional level, he held onto the belief that he could cheat death, refusing to accept his grim prognosis.

Testosterone Supplements: A Potential Culprit

As Shatner grappled with his impending fate, he discovered a possible link between his prostate cancer and the testosterone supplements he was taking. Research conducted in Baltimore, USA, showed that increased testosterone levels were associated with a higher risk of prostate cancer in men over 55.

However, a study from the University of Oxford presented a different perspective. This study revealed that while high testosterone didn’t pose an increased risk, low testosterone levels did. Shatner found himself caught in the midst of conflicting information.

A Glimmer of Hope

Three months later, Shatner received another PSA test, which showed a significant drop in his levels. It turned out that the initial high reading may have been caused by testosterone interference. Relief washed over him as he realized he did not have cancer after all.

Shatner emphasized the importance of understanding that false-positive PSA results are common. The NHS recommends additional screenings, such as blood tests, physical examinations, MRI scans, or biopsies, to accurately diagnose prostate cancer.

Recognizing the Warning Signs

For anyone concerned about prostate health, it’s crucial to be aware of potential symptoms. These may include:

  • Frequent nighttime urination
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Difficulty starting or straining to urinate
  • Weak urine flow
  • Blood in the urine or sperm

If any of these symptoms persist, it is essential to consult a doctor who can recommend suitable testing options.

The Fight Against Prostate Cancer

If diagnosed with prostate cancer, individuals can explore various treatment options. Early-stage cancer may call for a “watchful waiting” approach, while surgery and radiotherapy may be necessary in more advanced cases.

William Shatner’s battle with prostate cancer serves as a reminder that even the most esteemed individuals face challenges. Yet, his journey also offers hope for others fighting the disease. With early detection, proper medical care, and a determined spirit, it is possible to overcome the odds and continue living life to the fullest.