In Cambodia, a chance encounter between Elliot Costello and a remarkable little girl named Thea ignited a powerful movement to combat the sexual abuse of children. Thea, a lover of nail painting, simply asked Elliot to paint one of his nails while they conversed. Little did he know, this innocent request held a profound meaning. It was later revealed that Thea had endured the trauma of sexual assault.

As Elliot painted his nail, he made a promise to Thea – a promise to always remember her, to acknowledge her pain, and to take action against the abuse suffered by countless children worldwide.

Motivated by Thea’s story and driven to make a difference, Elliot launched the #PolishedMan movement. This movement invites men to paint one of their nails as a symbol of unity with the one in five children who will experience sexual assault.

The goal of #PolishedMan is to put an end to sexual violence against children. By participating in the movement, men commit to challenging and addressing violent behaviors and language, both locally and globally. It’s time for men to take the lead in driving change and reform to protect our most vulnerable.

A simple painted nail can serve as a catalyst for powerful conversations. It encourages discussions about the prevalence of child abuse and inspires new strategies for prevention. Each painted nail becomes a visual reminder of the urgent need to protect our children and the role we all can play in making a difference.

Alongside raising awareness, Elliot also encourages people to make donations to support educational programs and resources for child survivors of abuse. Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to heal, grow, and thrive.

We are calling on all men, including influential figures, to lend their support to this important cause. By sharing this article with your family and friends on Facebook, you can help spread the word and increase awareness about the #PolishedMan movement.

Remember, a single painted nail has the power to create a significant impact in the lives of countless children. Join us in this fight to create a world where every child is safe, protected, and free from the horrors of abuse. Together, let’s make a difference.