There are various natural remedies for getting rid of midges in your kitchen swiftly and successfully. We’ll teach you how to get rid of them in an effective and environmentally responsible manner today.

Avoid leaving food out: Keeping your kitchen devoid of visible food will keep gnats at bay. That’s all there is to it. After you’ve finished your meal, store any leftovers in the refrigerator and wrap them in cling film.

Quickly wash the dishes: Dirty dishes in the sink are an open invitation to midges. So wash the dishes as soon as possible and don’t let them pile up. Put all of your dishes in the dishwasher and close it to avoid attracting gnats.

Empty your trash cans on a regular basis if you don’t want midges to take up residence in your home. An easily accessible garbage can is a true haven for midges, who not only find refuge but also lay their eggs there! In the kitchen, use a garbage can with a lid and cover your compost well. Every day, clean and deodorize your garbage can, especially the one outdoors.

Plants in poor condition should be removed:

This is a fantastic idea if you produce aromatic plants at home like parsley, chives, or basil. If you see that they are going bad, don’t keep them in the kitchen. One of the causes of midge infestation is plant rot.

Repel midges near fruit: A lovely fruit basket in the kitchen is usually a pleasure to look at and eat. The fruits, on the other hand, attract midges. Simply place garlic or cloves next to the fruit to avoid this. These fragrances are effective midge repellents. They can also be used to keep flies and mosquitos away.

Eliminate midges in pipes: Damp locations are ideal breeding grounds for midge larvae. And where are the driest spots in the house? Of course, the pipes! Midges lay a profusion of eggs there. To prevent subsequent generations of midges from hatching, it is critical to properly maintain and sanitize the pipes. Clean them with white vinegar and baking soda.

Dishwashing liquid and white vinegar
We’ve moved up a notch thanks to this grandmother’s advice. We are no longer engaged in preventive measures! I show you how to create a natural midge trap to kill them (yeah, it’s horrifying). Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to a bowl of white vinegar. Place the bowl in a strategic spot in the kitchen, such as close to fruit. The mixture’s odor attracts midges and traps!