The following are the nutritional values for one raw, unpeeled medium-sized apple (100 g):

52 calories
Water: 86%
Protein content: 0.3 g
Carbohydrates: 13.8 g
10.4 grams of sugar
2.4 grams fiber
0.2 gram of fat

The Advantages of Apple
A medium-sized apple is equivalent to one centimeter of bread, according to nutrition experts. As a result, people who are obese or diabetic should avoid eating too many apples.

According to nutrition experts, eating 2-4 apples per day after main meals prevents oxygen deprivation and cardiovascular disease in persons who do not have diabetes or obesity.

“The best feature of apples is that they contain the highest percentage of iron,” explains endocrinologist Dr. Zalina Guseva. Iron is required for blood synthesis and the maintenance of a sufficient number of red blood cells, which transport oxygen and nourish the body’s tissues and organs. As a result, apples can help avoid hunger.” Oxygen shortage and a lack of oxygen delivery, which is extremely advantageous for people suffering from bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular disorders.

She goes on to say that apple peel has anti-inflammatory phytochemicals. It also includes pectin, which aids digestion. Apples’ vitamins and minerals aid to maintain healthy skin, nails, and hair. Iodine is also abundant in apple seeds. However, eating more than 3-4 seeds per day is not suggested due to the presence of harmful hydrocyanide acid.

According to the expert, apples are “a high-calorie food item due to fructose sugar, which after recycling in the liver turns into sucrose.” As a result, persons suffering from obesity and diabetes should avoid eating too many apples.”

Dr. Alexei Kalanchev, a Russian nutrition specialist, offers a warning: Avoid drinking fruit juices since they have a high glycemic index (the relative index of the effect of carbohydrates on changing the level of sugar in the blood). So anyone who dislikes eating whole apples should consume pureed apple pulp. Grilled apples are also good to people who have chronic gastritis.

“There is no absolute allergy to apples,” he explains. There are apples that are safe for everyone to consume. Sour apples, on the other hand, aggravate chronic gastritis and harm tooth enamel. It is also advised to consume 2-4 apples per day after main meals, rather than on an empty stomach.”