If you want to use them within a week, store them at room temperature. However, keep them away from light!
In the refrigerator: Choose sealed containers for longer keeping. They preserve the flavor.
Lemons, cut: Wrap them in plastic wrap to keep them safe. Their longevity, however, will be reduced.
Although the lemon will not freeze on its own, the juice and zest can be saved for later use.
3 Lemon Preserving Mistakes to Avoid

Storage at an inconvenient temperature: A lemon dislikes extreme temperatures. Find the sweet spot.
Keep lemons in a humid atmosphere to speed their decomposition.
Not routinely inspecting the condition of lemons: One bad lemon can wreak havoc on the others.
Two unbreakable golden rules for improved conservation

Don’t overstock: Don’t keep too many lemons together. Maintain adequate air circulation.
Keep an eye out for symptoms of spoilage: wrinkled or dull lemons indicate a loss of freshness.

1 Ultimate Tip for Getting the Most Out of Lemons
When fresh lemons are softly pressed or rolled before use, they release more of their scent.

Say goodbye to rotten lemons and hello to dazzling freshness for months to come now that you’re armed with all of these ways. And who knows what else? Maybe your Aunt Martha would like these hints. Why not forward this article to him?