Capers are a traditional ingredient in our cuisine. The “classic” capers are nothing more than the plant’s bloom buds. But did you know that dandelions yield tasty buds as well?

Dandelion buds, when picked when they are still very little, can be kept and consumed in the same manner that capers are. We’ll go over how to do that below.

The first step is to collect some very little dandelion buds. Pick the closed buds closer to the ground rather than the unopened flowers at the top of the plant.

Throughout the season, dandelions produce more than one blossom. Even if you collect all of the secondary buds, the plant will still bloom.

Now that you have the dandelion buds, pickle them with vinegar and salt. This procedure will allow us to keep them for an extended period of time.

150 grams of dandelion buds, 150 mL of vinegar, 80 mL of water, and 1 tablespoon of salt are required.

Bring the water, vinegar, and salt to a boil while stirring constantly to dissolve. Place the capers in glass jars and cover with brine.

Refrigerate after closing. Alternatively, process the jars for 10 minutes in a water bath. This final procedure will keep the jars out of the fridge.

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