Mint is a botanical miracle that is simple to grow and maintain. This plant is not only delicious in the cooking, but it also offers several health benefits.

To cultivate mint, you’ll need a plant, which may be found in specialty stores. It is quite simple to cultivate and can spread throughout the garden or balcony.

Attracts useful insects: Mint attracts “beneficial” insects to the garden or balcony. Mint nectar and pollen aid in the survival of helpful insects such as bees and hoverflies.
Natural insect repellent: Although it attracts “good” insects, mint repels “bad” insects such as ants and mosquitoes. Spray the solution near doors and windows after combining water and peppermint essential oil.
Anti-fleas: Make a bouquet of 2 branches of fresh mint, 1 branch of fresh thyme, and 1 sprig of mugwort and lay it beneath your pet’s napping pillow or blanket.
Air freshener for the home: Add a few drops of peppermint oil to your homemade (or environmentally friendly) home cleanser.
Enhances the flavor of drinks…: For a refreshing touch, add mint to your iced drinks.
…and now for the food: In the last few minutes of cooking, add it to cooked or raw vegetables, peas, beans, and carrots.
Desserts: Mint adds a wonderfully enticing flavor to desserts!
Freshens your breath: Chew some mint leaves for a few minutes to get rid of bad breath.
Relieves stomach discomfort: Mint herbal tea is a lifesaver when it comes to stomach ache. Mint soothes indigestion, intestinal gas, and stomach colic by relaxing the digestive tract.
Hiccups are relieved by combining mint leaves, lemon juice, and a bit of salt in a cup of hot water: the relief is rapid.