For the foundation

Shortbread that is vegan

200 gr


90 gr

For the ice cream

Spreadable vegan cream cheese

350 gr

cream of fresh vegetables

300 ml

granulated sugar

150 gr



Vanilla extract


To make the raspberry sauce


125 gr

Icing sugar, vanilla

40 gr

Juice of lemon

6 ml

as a final step

berries in many combinations

200 gr

Mint leaves, fresh


The vegan cheesecake is an animal-derived variety of the famous American cheesecake, which has now become a magnificent classic of our local cuisine and can be eaten in New York bakeries and beyond, both baked and cold, no preparation. We were inspired by the latter and produced it with 100% vegetarian ingredients: for a dessert that is also safe for lactose intolerant visitors and is excellent to serve at the end of a meal or as a special snack with friends.

To make it, we begin with the base, which is made by crushing the biscuits in a mixer jug, then mixing them with the melted margarine and compacting them on the bottom of a 20 cm diameter springform pan. Fill the pan with a lemon-scented cream made by combining the vegan spreadable cheese, icing sugar, veggie whipped cream, a touch of vanilla, and the grated citrus zest in a bowl. and place it in the fridge for at least 12 hours to harden. As a consequence, you’ll get a sumptuous dessert with a very creamy flavor, which may be decorated with a raspberry sauce and fresh berries, as seen above, or served with your favorite topping: strawberry coulis, caramel, melted dark chocolate…

To achieve the best results without using any thickening, it is critical to adhere to the cooling times specified here: for this reason, we recommend taking advantage of the preparation by constructing the cheesecake the night before, so that it is ready the next day.

If you wish to avoid margarine, you can use soy butter, which has a neutral and delicate flavor and is widely available in specialty supermarkets.

Learn how to make vegan cheesecake by following the step-by-step instructions and advice. If you enjoyed this dish, you should also try tiramisu, chocolate semifreddo, or panna cotta.

Vegan Cheesecake Recipe

Step 1

Place the biscuits in a mixing bowl and blend until they are reduced to a powder.1.

Step 2

Transfer to a mixing bowl and carefully fold in the heated melted margarine2, which has been previously melted in a bain-marie.

Step 3

Compact the biscuit mixture with the back of a spoon on the bottom of a 20 cm diameter springform pan fitted with parchment paper3; set aside for 30 minutes to solidify.

Step 4

On the side, combine the vegan cream cheese with half of the icing sugar, the lemon zest, and a pinch of vanilla powder4.

Step 5

Whip the remaining icing sugar into the cream5.

Step 6

Incorporate the whipped cream into the prepared cream6, whisking briefly at low speed.

Step 7

Pour the creamy mixture onto the biscuit base, smooth off the surface, and place in the fridge for at least 12 hours.

Step 8

To make the raspberry sauce, combine the fresh raspberries, icing sugar, and lemon juice8 in a heavy-bottomed pot. Set everything over a low temperature and let it all boil for a few minutes, stirring periodically.

Step 9

Sift the raspberry compote through a fine mesh sieve9 to make a smooth and silky sauce, then chill until ready to serve.

Step 10

After the resting period has passed, unmold the cheesecake onto a serving plate and drizzle with the raspberry sauce10.

Step 11

Garnish with fresh mint leaves and entire berries11.

Step 12

Slice the vegan cheesecake12, bring to the table, and serve.

Instead of cream cheese, you can use a vegan stracchino or soy yoghurt that has been strained overnight in a fine-mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to achieve a dry and compact consistency.

If desired, top the cheesecake with chopped pistachios, crumbled cocoa beans, sprinkled coconut, etc. Alternatively, instead of a single hinged mold, use individual glass jars for an attractive and sophisticated single-portion dessert that is also suitable for a party buffet.

Just before serving the cheesecake and topping it with the raspberry sauce, place it in the freezer for no more than 30 minutes: the cake will retain its creamy texture while remaining firm when sliced.

The vegan cheesecake can be stored in an airtight jar in the fridge for up to 2 days. Alternatively, you may freeze it without topping for up to 2 months after hardening it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.