It’s quite good and it works. Because that’s what I was used to, I cheated and used egg noodles.

In addition, I used chicken broth instead of bouillon. I don’t drink milk, so I substituted almond milk, but it was amazing and healed my cold. I also added in a jalapeno because I enjoy hot foods and was trying to heal myself. Backstory: I caught a cold from a coworker, but I don’t have the “luxury” of taking a sick day because I run an office. So I went on here to locate a recipe that was simple and contained therapeutic elements (such as ginger), and I made this soup while I was quite ill.

Sneezing when I chopped the celery.THE NEXT DAY, I felt better, less tired.

It was delicious, and I decided to make it again today because I’m getting the sniffles and it’s chilly outside.

8 oz. spaghetti
2 eggs
1/2 pound bacon, more or less as desired
3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
4-6 garlic cloves, crushed or minced
1 white or yellow onion, chopped
1/2 cup chicken stock garnished with parsley optional black pepper to taste

Cook the spaghetti noodles until they are al dente.
Bacon can be cooked in a frying pan or in the microwave. When the bacon is done, remove it from the pan and discard everything but 1 tablespoon of the fat. Cut or crush the bacon into bite-sized pieces.
Cook the diced onions in the bacon oil over medium heat until tender. Add your garlic about a minute before the onions are done. If you microwaved your bacon, sauté the onions and garlic in roughly 1 tablespoon olive oil.
When the onions are done, add 1/2 cup chicken stock and return the bacon to the pan. Set aside after stirring.
Separately, combine the eggs and Parmesan cheese.
Drain the pasta and place it in a large mixing bowl. Pour the egg and cheese mixture on top and stir immediately.
Stir the bacon/onion mixture over the top of the pasta once more.
Chop the parsley and serve as a garnish if preferred. To taste, season with black pepper. Serve immediately.