Today I’m sharing a simple recipe for Pastaless Quiche with Goat Cheese and Zucchini, which is a well-balanced dinner.

This dough-free quiche is simple to make and can be customized to your preferences.

It was fantastic!

To ensure the recipe’s success, you must carefully measure and prepare the ingredients before beginning the preparation.

You must also adhere to the cooking time and temperature, so carefully follow the methods outlined below.


a single big zucchini
-100 g runny goat cheese (Chavignol variety)
-120 g flour + 30 cl milk
1 tbsp. 15% full-fat cream
-3 eggs (I keep two eggs and one yolk)

  • 1 yeast sachet – salt/pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

Melt 1 knob of butter in a skillet and cook the zucchini, which has been peeled and chopped into thin slices.

Break the eggs and whisk them in a salad dish.

Add the flour gradually, followed by the yeast, salt, and pepper.

Make a homogenous paste with the milk.

Add the cooked zucchini and coat evenly with the 100 g of finely chopped goat cheese.

Fill a silicone mold halfway with the batter and bake for 30 minutes.

Serve warm alongside a seasonal salad.