I recall my first encounter with deviled ham spread. When I was a little girl, it was at my grandmother’s house. Grandma was saying deviled ham, and I wondered why she was talking such foul words haha! Grandma informed me it was the name of the spread, and while it was pretty funny, I liked it.

I recall my first encounter with deviled ham spread. When I was a little girl, it was at my grandmother’s house. Grandma was saying deviled ham, and I wondered why she was talking such foul words haha! Grandma informed me it was the name of the spread, and despite its silliness, the food was delicious. Grandma was and still is always correct, so I agreed with her. Who would ever dare to fight with Grandma?

Years later, as an adult, I’ve mastered the art of making my own deviled ham spread. My hubby is very smitten. I frequently pack his work lunches with deviled ham sandwiches. Deviled ham, for whatever reason, stays cooler in his lunchbox than a conventional ham sandwich. What a cruel irony! This recipe for deviled ham spread is quite simple to prepare.

My mother used to prepare “deviled ham” with that canned stuff when I was a kid. I believe it’s known as potted something or other. She adored it, but I found it revolting. This is a tribute to my mother and the nights she sat in front of the television eating her deviled ham and crackers.