Do you have any spare wire hangers? Do you require a location to store your newly purchased shoes? Let me show you a fast shoe storage solution! Ready?! Let’s get started! You only need a wire hanger and a pair of shoes. Squeeze one end of

Do you have any spare wire hangers? Do you require a location to store your newly purchased shoes? Let me show you a fast shoe storage solution! Ready?! Let’s get started!

Squeeze the wire hanger’s ends together as indicated in the illustration. If the squeeze with your hands is too difficult, you might use pliers to assist you.

Look how quick and simple it was, and your shoes are no longer on the floor. By the way, it’s also easier to clean.

I hope you appreciated this novel approach to shoe storage in your closet. It was so simple, I’m curious what else we might construct with wire hangers. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions?!