Mom knew when I was a youngster that my favorite thing in the world was her roast beef and gravy recipe. It’s the tenderest meat I’ve ever had. When you take a bite of the steak, it’s both supple and succulent.

Mom knew when I was a youngster that my favorite thing in the world was her roast beef and gravy recipe. It’s the tenderest meat I’ve ever had. When you take a bite of the steak, it’s both supple and succulent. The beef melted in my tongue, and when combined with the flavorful sauce, it was like being sent to gastronomic heaven. Mom also made the finest mashed potatoes to go with the roast beef and gravy, which always left me speechless. My aunts and friends all have their own versions of roast beef and gravy, but nothing beats my mother’s. Of course, I can say that I am biased, but who isn’t when it comes to their mothers?

I asked her the other day on the phone when I could come visit or when she and Dad could come visit. She informed me that it would be difficult for them because dad is suffering from another gout attack. So I assured them I’d see them within a month. She inquired what I wanted her to make for supper because she knew I would most likely come during dinner. I didn’t even pause. I told her I was hungry for her roast beef and gravy. Mom simply laughed. She knew everything about me. After all, I am her only child.