Easy Vegan Bread Recipe

There’s nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked bread. And with this easy vegan bread recipe, you can enjoy the experience of making your very own delicious loaf in no time! One of the best things about this recipe is that it’s beginner-friendly and requires no kneading. So even if you’re new to baking, you can still create a beautiful, soft, and moist bread with a crispy crust.

Why Choose This Vegan Bread Recipe?

  • It’s the easiest recipe ever, requiring no kneading.
  • It’s super quick, making it perfect for busy days.
  • It’s beginner-friendly, so anyone can make it.
  • Homemade bread is healthier and tastier than store-bought.
  • It has a nice crispy crust that adds to the texture and flavor.
  • You can customize it and create various versions of bread.

Ingredients You’ll Need

Basic Ingredients:

  • 450g all-purpose wheat flour (3 3/4 cups)
  • 4 tbsp oat flakes
  • 7-8g dry yeast (1 packet / 2 tsp)
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 430-450 ml / 1.8-1.9 cup lukewarm water

Optional Additions:

  • 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries


  1. In a bowl, mix all the dry ingredients well, ensuring that the yeast and sugar are evenly distributed.
  2. Stir in any optional additions you’d like to add.
  3. Pour in the lukewarm water and start mixing with a spatula or spoon. The water and flour will come together to form a shaggy dough.
  4. Once there is no dry flour visible, transfer the dough to your chosen baking tray. Drizzle some water on top and even out the surface with a spoon or spatula. You can sprinkle some sunflower or pumpkin seeds for added decoration.
  5. Let your dough rest and rise in a warm place until it doubles in size. This may take an hour or more, depending on the yeast and room temperature.
  6. Preheat your oven to 200°C / 390°F. Bake your bread for 50 minutes, enjoying the delightful aroma that fills your kitchen.
  7. For an extra crispy crust, remove the baked bread from the tray and place it back in the warm (turned-off) oven for an additional 10 minutes.

Tips and Serving Suggestions

  • You don’t need to knead this dough. Mixing the ingredients well is enough.
  • For a golden, crispy crust, brush your loaf just before baking with aquafaba (chickpea brine) or any unsweetened plant-based milk.
  • If you have time, you can let the dough rise twice for a well-risen loaf with artisan-like holes.
  • Enjoy your vegan bread with hummus and fresh vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, and salad for a nutritious and delicious meal.
Serving Suggestion: Vegan Bread with Hummus and Fresh Vegetables

Additional Additions for Variation

You can make this bread without any additions and it will still be great. However, if you want to add a special twist, consider the following options:

  • 2 tbsp each of pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds.
  • Italian version with pieces of dried figs and walnuts.
  • Nutty version with 2 tbsp each of walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts.
Variations: Vegan Bread with Different Additions

Is Every Bread Vegan?

In its simplest form, bread is vegan, made with flour, yeast, water, and salt. However, some types of bread may contain eggs, milk, or other dairy products. This recipe, on the other hand, is simple, fail-safe, and 100% plant-based.

Final Thoughts and Feedback

This vegan bread recipe is a favorite among many because of its ease and great results. Whether you’re new to plant-based baking or already an expert, this recipe is sure to impress. Give it a try and let us know what your family thinks!

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