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With heavy hearts, we announce the sad news about King Charles’ Uncle, Prince Michel de Grece. At the age of 85, this remarkable figure of European royalty has passed away, marking the end of an important era in history.

A Last Living Connection to Historical Royalty

The Last Living Grandson

Prince Michel, known as Prince Michael, held a vital place in the Greek royal lineage. As the last living grandson of King George I of Greece, he shared a close bond with the British royal family. In fact, he was the first cousin of the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and an uncle to the current reigning monarch, King Charles III.

Breaking Royal Tradition for Love

A Unique Personal Life

Prince Michel’s life was not simply defined by his royal heritage. In 1965, he made headlines by giving up his royal rights to marry Marina Karella, an artist and commoner. This significant decision marked a turning point in his life, allowing Prince Michel to embrace love and forge his own path.

Dedication to Greece and Heritage

Passionate Historian

Prince Michel’s commitment to Greece was unwavering. Even during the turbulent times, including the failed 1967 counter-coup, he remained in his homeland. His love for Greece and its rich history greatly influenced his work. As a historian and author, he wrote extensively on Greek history, the Ottoman Empire, and European royalty. His books continue to leave an indelible impact on those who study European history.

A Glimpse into Personal Experiences

Cherished Family

Prince Michel’s Instagram page offered a window into his personal life. Alongside sharing his historical work, he opened up about his family, life, and travels. He invited his followers to witness his deep affection for his wife, children, and grandchildren. Their bond and the joy they brought him were of utmost importance. His life was an adventure, marked by curiosity, discovery, and embracing new experiences – such as technology, which he explored through his beloved grandchildren.

Empathy Towards the British Monarchy

Empathy for Charles

Prince Michel also shared his views on the British monarchy, including his thoughts on King Charles III. While acknowledging the challenges faced by the royal figure, he expressed empathy and believed that Charles did his best alongside Queen Camilla. Prince Michel neither envied Charles’s position nor felt drawn to it himself. He considered the role to be a tremendous responsibility that he would not wish upon anyone.

Leaving Behind a Lasting Legacy

Farewell to a Remarkable Figure

With the pas:sing of Prince Michel de Grece, an extraordinary chapter in European royalty has come to an end. His unique personal choices and influential writings have left an indelible mark on Greek and European royal history, ensuring that his memory will live on for generations to come. Prince Michel’s dedication to his heritage, his family, and his passion for history will forever be remembered and celebrated.