The air quality in our homes and offices is deteriorating. The air we breathe indoors isn’t as clean as many of us believe, thanks to paints, cleaning agents, and chemical compounds emitted by furniture and appliances.

Most plants can create oxygen, but few people realize that some of them may also filter the air in their homes by inhibiting volatile chemical compounds and poisons that are breathed and damaging to human health.

Plants are not only beautiful, but they are also highly useful and beneficial to our health. NASA has created a list of the best houseplants for cleaning indoor air.

  1. Areca
    It is one of the most effective plants for cleaning the air in your home. Its primary function is to filter the air by removing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Water the areca on a regular basis and keep it in direct sunshine. This plant thrives in living areas without a doubt.

The air quality in our homes and offices is deteriorating. The air we breathe indoors isn’t as clean as many of us believe, thanks to paints, cleaning agents, and chemical compounds emitted by furniture and appliances.

Most plants can create oxygen, but few people realize that some of them may also filter the air in their homes by inhibiting volatile chemical compounds and poisons that are breathed and damaging to human health.

Plants are not only beautiful, but they are also highly useful and beneficial to our health. NASA has created a list of the best houseplants for cleaning indoor air.

  1. Areca
    It is one of the most effective plants for cleaning the air in your home. Its primary function is to filter the air by removing formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene.

Water the areca on a regular basis and keep it in direct sunshine. This plant thrives in living areas without a doubt.

  1. Aloe vera gel
    It has the ability to filter the air and eliminate toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene, which are found in paints and floor cleaning solutions.

Place the aloe vera plant in a bright spot and water it infrequently.

Pothos 3
One of the most well-known and widely used plants for cleaning indoor air. One of its benefits is that it requires little care, as it rarely needs to be watered. Pothos is widely used in homes and offices for this purpose.

Pothos can absorb hazardous compounds like formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene.

Sansevieria repens
During the night, this plant creates oxygen and filters the air in your home by removing benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, and toluene.

Sansevieria is one of the most hardy plants on the planet, requiring little water and adapting well to low-light environments.

  1. Ivy from Sweden
    It is often used in indoor areas to remove contaminants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene. It is, however, a hazardous plant for children, dogs, and cats, and should be kept out of their reach.

Place the plant in a bright, but not direct sunlight, corner. Once a week, water the plants.

Gerbera daisy
During the night, it produces a high quantity of oxygen and removes hazardous compounds such as benzene and trichlorethylene. It is a useful herb for persons who have apnea or respiratory disorders.

Gerberas can be kept in the bedroom, although they require direct light in the summer, spring, and autumn, and indirect light in the winter.

Phalanx 7
The phalanx, which is well recognized and widely used, may remove pollutants and hazardous substances from the air. Pets are not poisoned by the plant.

The phalanx can be placed anyplace and is also very easy to propagate.

Ficus benjamina
It can absorb and lower formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene levels. Nonetheless, it is a sensitive plant that dislikes change.

Place your ficus benjamin in a well-lit area that is not exposed to direct sunlight or drafts.

Chrysanthemum 9
Chrysanthemum aids in the removal of pollutants such as ammonia and benzene, which are found in plastic, detergents, and glues.

The chrysanthemum like direct sunshine and should be watered anytime the soil seems dry to the touch.

Important: This website does not provide medical advice or recommend the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical conditions that require the counsel of a doctor. If you decide to use the information on this website, it assumes no liability. The site’s goal is to be illustrative rather than exhortative or instructional.