This beef chimichanga recipe is a favorite of my hubby! I frequently double the recipe and freeze the chimichangas separately to use as required. I top them with sour cream and shredded lettuce. —Camden Wyoming, Delaware’s Schelby Thompson Beef Chimichangas are folded up and filled with a ground beef/refried bean mixture seasoned with chili powder, cumin, and oregano.

This beef chimichanga recipe is a favorite of my hubby! I frequently double the recipe and freeze the chimichangas separately to use as required. I top them with sour cream and shredded lettuce. —Camden Wyoming, Delaware’s Schelby Thompson
Beef Chimichangas made with ground beef/refried beans seasoned with chili powder, cumin, and oregano, rolled up and fried until crispy, and topped with cheese and jalapeño tomato sauce taste far superior to restaurant chimichangas. They will undoubtedly become a family favorite.

In fact, this is the recipe that my son asks the most. I don’t make these Beef Chimichangas very often because they are fried, but I will make them when we want Mexican food but it’s not a convenient night to dine out.

If you’re curious about how this amazing Mexican burrito comes together, keep reading to learn how to make the best homemade Beef Chimichangas.


1 pound beef ground
1 (16-ounce) can refried beans
1 onion, finely chopped
3 tomato sauce cans (8 ounces each), divided
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tsp. minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
12 warmed flour tortillas (10 in.
1 can chopped green chiles (4 oz.
1 can (4 ounces) chopped jalapeño peppers.
Deep-fat frying oil.
1-1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese.


Cook meat in a large skillet over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Combine the beans, onion, 1/2 cup tomato sauce, chili powder, garlic, and cumin in a mixing bowl.

Off-center, place about 1/3 cup of the meat mixture on each tortilla. Fold the edge closest to the filling up and over to cover. Roll up after folding in both sides. Use toothpicks to secure. Heat the chiles, peppers, and remaining tomato sauce in a large pot.

Heat 1 inch of oil in an electric skillet or deep-fat fryer to 375°. Fry the chimichangas for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes per side, or until golden brown. Dry with paper towels. Garnish with cheese. Serve with a dipping sauce