
For the biscuit foundation

Biscotti biscuits

350 gr

Butter, melted

65 gr

For the ice cream

spreadable cream cheese

450 gr

whipped cream

250 ml

Vanilla flavoring

1 tablespoon

Biscotti biscuits

100 gr

granulated sugar

110 gr

Sheets of gelatin

8 gr

For aesthetic purposes

Biscotti biscuits

70 gr

Chocolate that has melted


Cookie cheesecake is a delightful no-bake cheesecake version. It’s a spoon dessert with a crunchy chocolate biscuit base ready to receive a hard and velvety cream cheese. It is ideal for serving at the end of a meal on the occasion of an important invitation or a festive lunch, as it is finely adorned with American cookie crumbs and melted chocolate. Find out how to prepare it quickly and easily by following our recipe step by step, and we are confident that this delectable treat will be a huge hit with your visitors.

Making Cheesecake Cookies

Step 1

In a kitchen mixer1, combine the biscuits and blend until they are reduced to a coarse powder.

Step 2

Place them in a mixing dish and add the melted butter2.

Step 3

Pour the mixture into a 22 cm diameter springform pan prepared with parchment paper and level with the back of a spoon3. Place the base in the fridge for at least an hour.

Step 4

Whip the cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract with an electric mixer in a large mixing basin. Soak and squeeze the isinglass in two tablespoons of hot cream. Mix well before adding to the cream cheese4.

Step 5

Add the whipped cream and mix gently with a spatula so that it does not disassemble5.

Step 6

Incorporate the finely chopped cookies6.

Step 7

Spread the cream cheese on the biscuit base, level thoroughly, and chill for at least 3 hours.

Step 8

Decorate the surface with additional crumbled cookies and melted chocolate, then chill until ready to serve.8

It is best to use a springform pan with a removable bottom that is around 22 cm in diameter: this will make unmolding the cake easier and prevent it from cracking.

The cream in which the isinglass is dissolved should be warm but not hot. To avoid firm pieces, make sure the gelatine is completely dissolved before mixing it into the cream.

Instead of chocolate chip cookies, use chocolate shortbread or any other sort of shortbread you have on hand; instead of spreadable cream cheese, use ricotta, robiola, or natural Greek yogurt.

If desired, top the surface with chopped strawberries, a sauce made with wild berries, or coarsely chopped hazelnuts.

If you enjoy this typical American dessert, check out these 20 recipes for perfect cheesecake.

Cookie cheesecake can be stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, covered with a layer of transparent film on the surface. It can also be frozen whole or chopped for 1-2 months.