My friend has a lovely beach property that she has been renovating on a shoestring budget. So changing countertops was out of the question for the time being. That’s when I realized we could change them with paint rather than replace them. Here’s the before shot. She had no harm, as you suspected.

My friend has a lovely beach property that she has been renovating on a shoestring budget. So changing countertops was out of the question for the time being. That’s when I realized we could change them with paint rather than replace them.

Here’s the before shot. She didn’t have any visible injury, but they lacked personality. It’s a little dull.

I began by wiping the counters with a solution of Denatured alcohol and water. Allow to dry.

Tape anything you don’t want paint on with caution. For the sink, I used blue painter’s tape and yellow sensitive surface tape. I didn’t want to be the one who had to paint them next.