4 Ingredients 4 Procedure Steps

180g Caramilk chocolate block

1 sheet thawed frozen puff pastry

To serve, caramel sauce

To serve, ice cream or double cream

Step 1: Place the chocolate in the center of the puff pastry. Along the long sides of the block, cut the pastry diagonally into 2cm-wide strips.
Step 2: Fold the short ends of the block over. Fold a pastry strip over the block. Fold a second strip from the opposite side, slightly overlapping the first. Alternate the strips over the chocolate until the chocolate is completely enclosed.
Step 3 Place in an air fryer and cook for 10 minutes at 180°C, or until crisp and golden.
4th Cut into slices. Pour over the caramel sauce. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.