The rumors surrounding Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s relationship continue to make headlines. Jennifer has been bombarded with questions about their marriage by the press, but she has managed to handle the situation with grace and poise.

During a press event in Mexico City on May 22, a reporter asked Jennifer about the rumors surrounding her and Ben. The reporter’s question was considered inappropriate, and Jennifer’s co-star Simu stepped in to defend her, stating, “We’re not doing that. Thank you so much, guys.”

Jennifer laughed off the initial question but became more serious when the reporter persisted. She looked the reporter straight in the eye and said, “You know better than that.” Simu also chimed in, saying, “Don’t come in with that energy, please.”

Despite the media scrutiny, Simu took the opportunity to praise Jennifer’s dedication and talent. He emphasized that Jennifer cares deeply about important issues like representation and diversity, which is why he and other actors were involved in their latest movie, “Atlas.”

It seems that the rumors about Bennifer are causing tension in their relationship. According to sources close to Lopez, the couple is currently “taking time apart,” and insiders have revealed that their marriage is not in a good place at the moment.

In another recent development, Ben Affleck has been playing games with the paparazzi. While running errands in Los Angeles, he cleverly hid his left hand, where his wedding ring would typically be displayed. The photographers were eager to capture a glimpse of the ring, but Ben kept everyone guessing by switching it between his right and left hand or sometimes not wearing it at all.

There have also been reports that Ben has moved out of their marital home and is staying in a rental property in Brentwood. Meanwhile, Jennifer has been spotted looking at new homes, adding fuel to the speculation.

It’s evident that the couple is facing some challenges in their marriage. As fans and onlookers, we can only hope for the best and support them during this difficult time.