Cooking can be a delightful and creative endeavor, and one dish that never fails to satisfy both your taste buds and your culinary imagination is this fabulous pie recipe. It’s a versatile treat that you can customize to suit your preferences, making it a delightful addition to your kitchen repertoire.

To start with, gather these essential ingredients: a cup of sour cream or kefir, a cup of mayonnaise, three chicken eggs, a cup of flour, half a teaspoon of baking soda (extinguished with vinegar for that perfect lift), half a packet of baking powder, and salt to taste.

The beauty of this pie lies in its filling options, each bringing a unique flavor profile to the table:

Option 1: For a taste of the sea, opt for two cans of saury fish, complemented by two eggs, and two large onions, finely chopped and expertly fried. Don’t forget to sprinkle some fresh greens on top to add a burst of color and freshness.

Option 2: If you’re a fan of the classic boiled egg, this choice is for you. Go for four to five boiled eggs, finely chopped green onions for that extra zing, and season with a pinch of salt to highlight the flavors.

Option 3: Those who prefer a more substantial filling can go for boiled chicken, diced into bite-sized pieces, and a generous sprinkling of grated sulguni cheese. Of course, don’t neglect the greens; they add a welcome burst of freshness.

But that’s not all; this pie offers endless possibilities. Consider adding other fillings like fried mushrooms with onions, creamy mashed potatoes infused with the rich earthiness of fried mushrooms and onions, cabbage sautéed to perfection with onions and enriched by the addition of boiled eggs, or perhaps a savory minced meat and rice combination – the culinary world is your oyster.

Now, onto the preparation:

  1. Begin by mixing the flour with the baking powder. This ensures an even distribution of the leavening agent in your batter, resulting in a well-risen and airy pie.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. This not only enhances the flavor but also aids in incorporating air into the mixture. To this, add the mayonnaise, sour cream (or kefir), and baking soda that’s been extinguished with vinegar. Give it all a good mix to create a smooth and creamy base.
  3. Gradually incorporate the flour mixture into the egg mixture. The key is to blend it thoroughly to achieve a batter that resembles thick sour cream in texture. This is the canvas upon which your delectable filling will shine.
  4. Grease your chosen baking dish, ensuring that your pie won’t stick, and pour half of the batter into it. This forms the base upon which your selected filling will rest.
  5. Now, it’s time to get creative – spread your chosen filling evenly on top of the batter in the baking dish. This step is where your personal preferences and culinary imagination truly come into play.
  6. Finish by covering the filling with the remaining batter, creating a perfect enclosure for your delicious creation.
  7. Preheat your oven to a toasty 180-200°C (356-392°F), the ideal temperature to transform your ingredients into a mouthwatering masterpiece.
  8. Bake your pie for approximately 40 minutes, or until it reaches that irresistible golden-brown hue on top. Keep an eye on it to ensure it’s perfectly cooked and ready to be savored.

With this recipe in your culinary repertoire, you have the power to delight your family and friends with a delicious and versatile pie. Whether you opt for the taste of the sea, the comforting classic of boiled eggs, or any other inventive filling, your pie will undoubtedly be a hit at any gathering. So, gather your ingredients, let your creativity flow, and enjoy the process of making this mouthwatering masterpiece!