A nice reminiscence to elementary school.

Certain vintage cafeteria dishes have a way of winning people over, and these decadent brownies, reminiscent of lunch ladies’ specialties, unquestionably top the list. The first bite transports you back in time, reliving those carefree school days.

The brownies are unbelievably soft, and the icing melts away as soon as it touches your tongue. Oh, how we’ve yearned for these school-day treats!

Brownies for Lunch Ladies

For the brownies, combine the following ingredients:

HomeLunch Lady Brownies
Brownies for Lunch Ladies


Regarding the Brownies:

1/2 cup melted butter

1 granulated sugar cup

2 eggs

3 tsp. vanilla extract

1/4 cup chocolate powder, unsweetened

1 cup regular flour

For the icing:

2 teaspoons softened butter

three tbsp milk

2 tbsp chocolate powder, unsweetened

1.5 cups powdered sugar


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Arrange foil over the edges of a 9″x9″ baking pan for easy removal afterward.

To make the batter, whisk together the sugar and melted butter in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Mix in the eggs and vanilla extract until well mixed.

Fold in the flour and cocoa powder gradually to provide a consistent hue. Pour the batter into the baking dish and bake for 20-25 minutes. When a knife is inserted, it should expose a few wet crumbs. To get the proper texture, don’t overbake.

While the brownies cool, make the icing. In a mixing bowl, combine the butter, milk, cocoa powder, and powdered sugar. If necessary, adjust the texture with milk or powdered sugar.

Allow the icing to blend evenly into the somewhat warm brownies. Once firm, slice and use the foil to easily peel them out.

With each bite, have a taste of the past! 🍫🏫