twenty minutes
9 to 12 individuals
To make the sponge cake:
3 eggs
150 g of sugar
Oil (80 mL)
200 mL of milk
1 vanilla sugar sachet
1 teaspoon baking powder
30 g cocoa, unsweetened
190 g of flour
200 mL milk for soaking
15 g chocolate, unsweetened
To make the whipped cream:
550 mL full-fat liquid cream
50 g confectioners’ sugar
To make the chocolate ganache, follow these steps:
Cream, 250 mL 30% fat
Dark chocolate, 200 mL
Cooking Directions:

Step 1: Begin by lightly buttering your mold and preheating your oven to 180 degrees.
Step 2: Whisk together the eggs, sugar, and vanilla sugar until the mixture is white.
Step 3: Stir in the milk.
Step 4: Mix in the oil.
Step 5: Stir in the cocoa. (Sift it to remove lumps.)
Step 6: Stir in the flour and baking powder. (Sift as well to avoid lumps.)
Step 7: Pour your mixture into your mold and bake for 20 minutes.
Step 8: Heat the milk and chocolate together.
Step 9: When the cake is done, poke holes in it with a fork and pour the hot chocolate on top in three batches.
Step 10: Allow the cake to cool completely before preparing the whipped cream.
Step 11: When the cake is cool enough to handle, spread the whipped cream on top and level it out.
Step 12: To make the ganache, bring the cream to a boil, then add the chocolate and combine well. Allow the ganache to cool completely before pouring it over the cake:
Step 13: Set aside for 3/4 hour to cool.