
In the world of comfort food, few dishes elicit the same level of nostalgia and satisfaction as a hearty serving of macaroni and cheese. This beloved classic has warmed the hearts and filled the bellies of generations, making it a timeless favorite on dinner tables across the globe. Today, we delve into the art of creating “Good Ole Fashion Mac and Cheese,” a recipe that marries the simplicity of this cherished dish with a touch of homey elegance.

The Ingredients

The beauty of mac and cheese lies in its straightforwardness and the comfort it brings. To create a dish that’s both delicious and satisfying, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  1. Dry Elbow Macaroni: The star of the show, 3 cups of dry elbow macaroni, serves as the foundation for this classic dish. These small, curved pasta pieces are perfect for trapping pockets of creamy cheese sauce.
  2. Salted Butter: Four tablespoons of salted butter contribute a rich, savory flavor to the dish while also providing a velvety texture to the cheese sauce.
  3. Evaporated Milk: Two cans (370 mL/12 oz each) of evaporated milk form the creamy base of the cheese sauce, infusing it with a luscious, dairy-rich goodness.
  4. Milk of Choice: A third cup of your preferred milk is added to enhance the creaminess of the sauce, ensuring that the mac and cheese is smooth and luxurious.
  5. Large Eggs: Two large eggs act as a binding agent, helping to set and thicken the cheese sauce while providing structure to the dish.
  6. Garlic Salt: A quarter teaspoon of garlic salt introduces a subtle but essential savory element, elevating the overall flavor profile.
  7. Cheddar Cheese: Four cups of sharp cheddar cheese, shredded, bring a bold and tangy richness that defines the classic mac and cheese taste.
  8. Mozzarella Cheese: Two cups of mozzarella cheese, shredded, contribute a mild creaminess and a gooey, stretchy texture that blends perfectly with the cheddar.
  9. Paprika: A teaspoon of paprika adds a hint of warmth and a touch of color to the finished dish, enhancing its visual appeal.

The Preparation

Creating “Good Ole Fashion Mac and Cheese” is a straightforward yet rewarding culinary endeavor. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting this comforting classic:

  1. Begin by bringing a large pot of water to a boil. Add salt to the boiling water and then add the dry elbow macaroni. Cook the pasta until it reaches the desired level of doneness, typically until it is al dente. Drain the cooked macaroni and return it to the pot.
  2. While the macaroni is still hot, add the salted butter to the pot and stir until the butter has melted. This step helps coat the pasta with a rich, buttery flavor.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the evaporated milk, milk of choice, beaten eggs, and garlic salt. Mix until all the ingredients are fully combined, creating a creamy, dairy-rich base for the cheese sauce.
  4. In a separate bowl, prepare the cheese mixture by mixing together the shredded cheddar cheese and mozzarella cheese. This combination offers a perfect balance of sharpness and creaminess.
  5. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and lightly grease a 9×13 inch baking pan to prepare it for the mac and cheese.
  6. Begin layering the macaroni and cheese in the prepared baking pan. Start with a third of the cooked macaroni, followed by a third of the cheese mixture. Repeat this layering process until all the macaroni and cheese are used up.
  7. Pour the prepared milk and egg mixture evenly over the layers of macaroni and cheese, ensuring that the creamy base seeps into every nook and cranny.
  8. Sprinkle the top of the dish with paprika to add a pop of color and a subtle smokiness to the finished product.

The Culinary Masterpiece

As the “Good Ole Fashion Mac and Cheese” bakes in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, a transformation takes place. The creamy sauce envelops the pasta, the cheeses melt into a golden pool of gooey goodness, and the paprika adds a tantalizing aroma.

Once removed from the oven, the dish is a sight to behold. The top boasts a slightly crispy, golden-brown layer, while beneath lies a bubbling, creamy sea of macaroni and cheese. Each spoonful reveals a perfect combination of textures: tender pasta, a velvety cheese sauce, and the irresistible pull of melted mozzarella and sharp cheddar.


“Good Ole Fashion Mac and Cheese” is more than just a dish; it’s a testament to the enduring appeal of comfort food. With its simple yet delectable combination of ingredients and a straightforward preparation method, it delivers a taste of home and a warm embrace in every bite. Whether served as a side dish or the star of the meal, this classic mac and cheese recipe brings people together, comforting them with the familiar, heartwarming flavors of their childhood. It reminds us that sometimes, the most cherished culinary treasures are those that stand the test of time.