A quick and simple meal for breakfast or a snack. It’s excellent.

Croissants. Essentially, it’s a recipe from my grandmother that I tweaked slightly. They have a delicious buttery flavor.

It’s a bit time-consuming and difficult to complete, but it’s well worth the effort. Everyone will appreciate it plain, with honey, or with milk jam!

To ensure the recipe’s success, you must carefully measure and prepare the ingredients before beginning the preparation.

You must also adhere to the cooking time and temperature, so carefully follow the methods outlined below.


For sixteen large ones or approximately thirty small ones:

320 g flour – 30 g soft butter – 120 g Greek yogurt (whole milk) – 10 g fresh baker’s yeast – (+/-) 10 cl of lukewarm water – 2 tbsp sugar – 80 g soft butter (for the puff pastry)

  • 2/3 tablespoon flour – 1/2 teaspoon salt

Regarding the gilding:

  • 1 egg, beaten with a touch of salt or a splash of milk.


STEP 1 Place the yeast diluted in 5 cl of water in the robot tank.

Cover with flour, then top with yogurt, sugar, and salt.

STEP 3 Begin mixing on low speed with a flat whisk (or hook attachment), gradually adding the remaining water (if necessary).

STEP 4 Make sure the dough is soft. Then stir in the butter.

STEP 5 Continue mixing on medium speed for about 10 minutes, or until the dough pulls away from the edges slightly.

STEP 6 Cover the dough for 1 hour (oven off and warmed to 50°C (th.1/2).

STEP 7 Select the folding method of your choice for the lamination, then chill your well-wrapped dough for at least 30 minutes.

Folding advice:

STEP 1 Flour the work area and rolling pin because the dough is still sticky.

2ND STEP Spread the dough thinly, then spread the butter in an even layer (the same thickness as the dough) and sprinkle with flour.

STEP 3 Crush the edge of the “snail” version (where the snail terminates) before spreading the dough lightly to create the different layers required for a good puff pastry.

STEP 4 Chill the dough and butter to allow them to relax. It will then be easier to spread and cut cleanly.

STEP 5 Roll the dough into a rectangle (0.5 cm thick) and cut long triangles from it.

STEP 6 Roll out the dough, beginning with the widest part, and lay it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

STEP 7 Brown and set aside at room temperature for 30 minutes.

STEP 8 Bake for 10/15 minutes (depending on size) in a 180°C (Th.6) oven.

STEP 9 Allow to cool (or at least become lukewarm) before serving.