Easy Homemade Bourbon Cherry Pie Filling

I guess by now you have realized I think about food, shall we say…Often. For that reason I am sure it will come as no surprise that I LOVE making and gifting food gifts for the holidays! Things like homemade liquors, cookies, jams (including a Bacon Jam…Yum) and this easy to make Bourbon Cherry Pie Filling. *It makes me happy! *

Now, I will say that once or maybe twice…especially in the beginning of this holiday tradition, I

*may *have gone a *lit-tle *crazy with pulling off my vision…picture me covered in flour at 2 am, sweaty brow hair & kitchen a complete disaster and I had to go to work the next day. *Yup. True story! *

This deliciously easy Bourbon Cherry Pie Filling makes a perfect food gift! It’s simple, pretty and delicious.

Tips for making Homemade Cherry Pie Filling.

  • A cherry pitter is the best way to pit cherries easily. The OXO Pitter is the one I use (I actually have two, so a helper can assist to make things go quicker. It’s, affordable and it has a splash guard.
  • Halve you cherries for a better eating experience.
  • Taste your cherries, if they are super-sweet cut back on the sugar. Really sour, add a little extra sugar.
  • Follow the instructions on how to add in the cornstarch, it makes a difference and avoids lumps and clumps.
  • Keeps in the refrigerator

You could use it for pie filling, to top a cheesecake, over ice cream or yogurt, as a topping for English muffins or enjoy it straight off the spoon (my favorite). Use in in a crumble, in crepes in hand pies or in a cake. Whatever you would use that canned pie filling for from the baking aisle of your grocer – you can use this for & more!

If you want to omit the Bourbon, that’s fine too – of course that is how I make it for my kiddos. Speaking of the kids, this is SO simple it can be made 100% by them. My kids have always enjoyed taking control of making a few homemade eats to gift at the holidays.

And when it comes to food gifts, I love coming up with easy yet memorable foods and drinks to gift for every occasion.

Some of my favorite homemade food gifts to give are:

  • Homemade Sriracha Salt – Just 2 ingredients and amazing! Pack it in a cute salt cellar like this.
  • Chocolate Moonshine – Pure chocolate boozy decadence!
  • Pizzelles -I have an authentic South Philadelphia bakery recipe.
  • Bacon Jam – Because ummm, BACON! Put it on all the things 🙂
  • Homemade Vanilla Syrup – Coffee lovers will enjoy this!
  • Easy Strawberry Lime Jam – Let the kids help! No canning required!

I hope you find one to try! *This recipe was originally posted December of 2014. I updated it with photos and text December, 2020. Nutritional data is calculated using a WordPress plug-in. As a member of Amazon Associates, I may receive a small payment if items I suggest are purchased. Typically a few cents per item. *


Easy Bourbon Cherry Pie FIlling


  • 4 heaping cups of fresh cherries, pitted and halved
  • 1 TBS fresh squeezed lemon or lime
  • ¼ cup bourbon
  • ¼ cup water
  • â…” cup sugar
  • 2 ½ TBS cornstarch
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • Dash of salt


  • Place (pitted & halved) cherries, the water and the bourbon in a pot and over medium heat bring them to a simmer. Allow the mixture to simmer for 12-15 minutes or until the cherries release their juices.
  • Meanwhile in a small bowl whisk cornstarch with your fresh lemon juice and a couple spoonful’s of the juice from the pot of cherries. stir until smooth. This creates a slurry of sorts so that when you add it to the pot, you don’t have cornstarch lumps.
  • Add your sugar mixture into your pot of cherries, stir well simmer for 3-4 minutes or until mixture thickens.
  • After a few minutes add in your cornstarch mixture and stir until combined.
  • Taste and adjust flavor to your preference.
  • Allow mixture to cool then spoon into a large mason jar (or 2) and keep in the fridge until using. Keeps for a week in the fridge.


**Colleen’s Notes:**If you want to omit the bourbon, substitute 3 TBS water for it and 1 TBS fresh lime juice. Also, depending on the freshness of your cherries they may yield more juice at different times of the year. If they yield a lot of juice…just simmer them a bit longer. If they don’t yield enough, add in a bit more water.



carrie says

Yum! My mom makes these some years… such a treat!

Kellie Hemmerly says

I love everything about this pie filling….especially that you provided the spoon for easy and immediate consumption.

Deanna – Teaspoon of Spice says

I sure as heck would be happy to get a jar of this (with bourbon) please – I’m totally craving cherry pie right now….

The Food Hunter says

I could eat that entire jar

Cookin’ Canuck says

I know what you mean about thinking about food all the time. That’s me, too…all the time! I would be so happy if someone gave me some of this pie filling as a holiday gift.

Lesa says

Sounds delicious!

ginabad says

Not sure if I suddenly got hungry because it’s noon OR LOOKING AT THIS PICTURE! That looks SOOOO good, what a great gift too.

The Naughty Mommy says

That certainly makes for a gorgeous gift!

Ashley @ Wishes and Dishes says

What a great idea for holiday gifts! I have some people in my life who would LOVE this pie filling.

Amanda @ The Kitcheneer says

My dad would SO love this! And for me, just give me a spoon…

Brenda@SugarFreeMom says

That looks beautiful!

Paula-bell’alimento says

Homemade gifts are the best! Bonus points if they’re edible ; )

Kirsten/ComfortablyDomestic says

What is it about the beginning of the holidays that puts food centric people into a tailspin of ideas? I bet this cherry pie filling would be great not only in pie, but over ice cream, cheesecake, biscuits…the list goes on and on!

Basilmomma Heather Tallman says

I would just eat this with a spoon!

Kate @ Busy Bee Kate says

Love this! Looks so delicious and what a fun gift.


That looks so yummy!!!

Martha @ A Family Feast says

I wish I was on your gift list so I’d receive some of this yummy pie filling!

Julia Hunter says

Yum! My husband loves cherry pie I may have to try this out.

Ginny McMeans says

Oh my goodness, you little rascal! This looks and sounds absolutely fantastic!

melanie feehan says

I could eat that straight out of the jar with a spoon. Incredible!

Lora CakeDuchess says

I just love this cherry pie filling idea as a gift. I think the problem would be I wouldn’t be able to give it away!! Delicious!

BethElderton says

This sounds absolutely wonderful! pinned

Renee Goerger says

Oh WOW! I can only imagine the punch of flavor in your pie filling. What a nice gift this would make too.

Heather Schmitt-Gonzalez says

Yum! I’m not sure this would make it as far as a pie crust…

Lauren says

This looks amazing! Can it be made with frozen cherries? i’m not sure where I’d find fresh this time of year (and I don’t even want to think about how much they’d cost!)

Angela {Mind Over Batter} says

I do love me some homemade holiday gifts!! This bourbon cherry pie filling looks perfect! I may have to add it to my homemade gift giving.

Sarah Walker Caron (Sarah’s Cucina Bella) says

What a great goodie to gift! Looks delicious. And I would have to include the bourbon, because I bet it’s incredible with it.

Katerina @ Diethood says

In all honesty, none would be left to gift out. I would spoon that straight into my trap. No pie needed. YUM!! 😀

Nutmeg Nanny says

Boozy anything is my favorite 🙂

Kim Bee says

I love this recipe. Bourbon makes everything better. Cherries make everything better. So this is perfection.

Kim (Feed Me, Seymour) says

Ah! the bourbon! Killing it!

miranda papandreou says

What a great excuse to buy bourbon! I want to try this next cherry pie!

Carol at Wild Goose Tea says

2 AM being a wild woman in the kitchen and you had to go to work the next day??? Oh my heavens!!!!! You get the ‘Nut” award for sure. But the good news is this is a fab recipe. What a great idea. Cherries and bourbon and pie crust—–Wowzer!

Kena says

How would I make this for long term shelf storage?

Gary Fleet says

Place (pitted & halved) cherries, the water and the bourbon in a pot and over medium heat bring them to a simmer. Allow the mixture to simmer for 12-15 minutes or until the cherries release their juices.

How much water? It is not mentioned at all in the ingredients list.