Buckle up, my dear friends, because the story I’m about to share is nothing short of a tear-jerker. It takes us to a sanctuary that should be a haven of peace and solace, but instead became the epicenter of heart-wrenching tragedy.

Picture this: thirteen devout nuns tragically lost their lives to COVID-19 at a Roman Catholic convent in Michigan. Yes, thirteen! Let’s unravel this devastating tale, which serves as a grim reminder of the deadly impact of this relentless virus.

These valiant souls, aged between sixty-nine and ninety-nine, called the Felician Sisters convent in Livonia, Michigan, their home. They were teachers, authors, and even a secretary for the Vatican Secretariat of State. These extraordinary women made significant contributions to society, and their loss is deeply felt by the world.

The Global Sisters Report chillingly refers to this as “the worst loss of life to a community of women religious since the 1918 influenza pandemic.” That’s over a hundred years ago! It’s a haunting historical parallel that sends shivers down our spines.

So, where did it all go wrong? Well, these nuns were particularly vulnerable due to their advanced age and close-knit living arrangements. Life at the convent involved daily interactions of living, praying, and working together, which unfortunately created the perfect environment for the virus to spread.

The unsuspecting culprits? Two aides who unknowingly carried the virus. Their well-intentioned but fateful entry into the convent mirrored outbreaks we’ve seen in nursing homes and other elderly residences. Once the virus made its way inside, it spread like wildfire. Over the course of a month, the virus claimed the lives of one sister nearly every other day. Thirteen nuns lost, but thankfully, eighteen others fell ill and survived.

If this tale couldn’t get any more gut-wrenching, imagine the surviving sisters being denied the opportunity to attend the funerals of their dearly departed. Due to the risk of transmission and adherence to health guidelines, they were denied the closure that funerals provide. Saying a proper goodbye to lifelong companions was simply out of reach for them. It’s truly heartbreaking.

In a particularly painful month from April 10 to May 10, twelve nuns passed away. Just as the wounds began to heal, another sister succumbed to the virus on June 27, prolonging the community’s period of mourning.

Noel Marie Gabriel, the director of clinical health services for the Felician Sisters of North America, was filled with grief. She said, “We couldn’t contain the grief and the sorrow and the emotional impact. That month was like a whole different way of life—a month of tragedy, sorrow, mourning, and grieving.” No words can fully express the emotional rollercoaster this community endured.

And if you think this is an isolated incident, think again. Many other nuns across the United States have also fallen victim to this unforgiving virus. Though the exact numbers remain unclear due to incomplete tracking by religious officials, the tragic trend is evident.

Let this heart-wrenching episode serve as a cautionary tale of the devastating toll COVID-19 can exact, especially on our older population. Let’s not grow complacent. Wear your masks, practice social distancing, and wash your hands as if your life depends on it—because it absolutely does.