If you have a rose plant on your balcony or received some as a gift and want to duplicate them to have more, you can do it by starting with the stem. Roses are among the most beautiful flowers available, and they can be used to decorate any room in your home, regardless of color.

Roses are considered difficult to cultivate, although they can be duplicated from one stem until they have many others, making their reproduction almost unlimited. This is a simple task that requires no gardening knowledge.

We’ll teach you how to gather a beautiful crop of roses right from the stem in the video below.

The first step
The first step is to determine the best location for the flowers. Make a 15cm-deep hole and fill it with sand. Follow these guidelines to find the best location:

Roses should not be placed too close together.
Roses should not be planted too close to a wall or under a tree.
Make sure the roses have enough of air and sunlight, ideally in the morning.
The second step
Get some rose stems or cuttings to help us grow them and create our garden. The crucial factor is that the stems are about 20-25 cm long.

The third step
This step is as straightforward as it is critical. To stimulate regeneration, the stems must be cleaned, removing leaves and contaminants.

Fourth, place the rose stems in the sand, leaving some space between them. Push the stems down into the sand to ensure they are secure.

the fifth step
Cover the rose stems with fertilized dirt and compact it well with your feet.

The labor is done; all that remains is for nature to take its course.

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