1 cup of water

1 unsalted butter stick (4 ounces)

2 teaspoons sugar

2 quarts whole milk

1/4 vanilla bean, scraped seeds

2 teaspoons sugar plus 1/2 cup

5 tbsp of cake flour

1 kosher salt pinch

1 big egg

2 big yolks of eggs

2 tablespoons heavy cream plus 1/4 cup

Glazed with chocolate

4 oz. chopped bittersweet chocolate

4 tbsp. softened unsalted butter


Prepare the Choux Pastry
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Bring water, butter, sugar, and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in the flour for approximately 2 minutes, or until the dough comes together and a film develops on the bottom of the pan. Transfer dough to a large mixing bowl and beat on medium speed for 1 minute, or until somewhat cooled. Add the eggs one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition.


Fill a pastry bag with a 1-inch round tip with the dough. Pipe 12 (5-inch-long) logs onto a baking sheet coated with parchment paper. 10 minutes in the oven. Reduce the oven temperature to 325°F and bake the shells for another 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer to a cooling rack to cool.

Prepare the Pastry Cream
Bring the milk, vanilla bean, and seeds to a boil in a medium saucepan. Meanwhile, in a large mixing basin, combine the sugar, cake flour, and salt. Incorporate the egg and egg yolks. Add hot milk slowly, whisking frequently. Return the mixture to the saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly. Continue to cook, whisking frequently, until the pastry cream is thick, about 30 seconds more. Immediately drain pastry cream into a medium basin using a fine strainer. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, or until cool, covered with plastic wrap.

Whip heavy cream in a medium mixing bowl until soft peaks form. Whisk the pastry cream, then fold in the whipped cream until well combined.

Produce the Chocolate Glaze
Melt chocolate in a medium bowl in the microwave at 50% power, being cautious not to overheat it. Blend in the butter until creamy.


Make the chocolate éclairs.
Split the éclair shells lengthwise using a serrated knife. Fill the bottom half of each shell with a large amount of pastry cream. Dip the top half of each shell into the chocolate glaze, then close and serve the éclairs.