This is the recipe I’ve been looking forward to! The rich creaminess of lush and the delightful taste of cherry cheesecake. Some may be asking what lush is; it is a delightful complement to almost any dessert.

This is the kind of colorful treat that’s wonderful for the holidays, and with the holidays right around the horizon, you can bet I’ll be making it a lot.

There is a crust layer comprised of broken or crushed graham crackers or cookies combined with melted butter and pushed into the bottom of the pan.

Commonly Asked Questions:

        Which is better, cookies or graham crackers?

You have the option of using whichever you prefer. With my cheesecake, I prefer a graham cracker crust. However, I have been known to use crumbled pretzels as well.

        Can I substitute vanilla pudding?

You absolutely could, however if you enjoy cheesecake flavor, you should use the cheesecake flavored pudding.

        Can I substitute another fruit pie filling?

You could use blueberry, strawberry, or cherry; if you prefer another flavor, please let us know how it tastes.