Welcome, fellow padlock owners! Today, we’re about to reveal some hidden secrets about your trusty padlock. These little metal marvels play a crucial role in keeping our gates, toolboxes, and bicycles safe. But did you know that they have a tiny secret? That little hole at the bottom of the padlock isn’t just a design quirk – it actually serves an important function!


Padlocks may be small, but they are like the bodyguards of our belongings. Tough and resilient, they stand guard against theft. However, like any warrior, these metal guardians have their vulnerabilities, particularly rust and weather damage. This is where the little hole on the underside of the padlock comes in handy. Its superpower? Allowing water to escape! This simple, hidden feature works wonders in preventing rust and keeping your padlock functioning longer.

Water escaping

But wait, there’s more! As technology advances, we now have waterproof padlocks available in the market. These high-tech cousins of our classic padlocks offer year-round protection, without worrying about weather conditions. No matter the storm, your belongings will be safe and sound!

Now, let’s delve into another use for that sneaky little hole. Have you ever had a padlock that just wouldn’t budge, even though you were sure you had the right code or key? In those frustrating moments, a squirt of synthetic lubricant through the hole can be a game-changer, making opening the padlock a breeze.

Did you know that padlocks aren’t the only everyday items with clever hidden features? Let’s explore a few more!

Everyday items

Screwdrivers as Wrenches

When it comes to fixing something in a tight spot, we all know the headaches involved. But here’s a tip: most screwdrivers can be slid inside a wrench, making them smaller and more maneuverable to reach those pesky, hard-to-reach places.

Color Swatch on Clothes

Those little fabric swatches that come with some clothing items? They’re not just there for decoration. You can use them to match colors when repairing damaged garments or even test how laundry detergents will affect your clothes, ensuring they stay in tip-top shape.

Brass Doorknobs and Padlocks

Ever wondered why brass is commonly used for doorknobs and padlocks? Well, apart from looking classy, brass actually has antimicrobial properties. This means it naturally reduces the spread of germs, making your frequently-touched items a bit cleaner.

Brass doorknob

Gas Indicator

Have you ever pulled up to a gas station only to forget which side your gas tank is on? Well, here’s a handy trick. Automakers have added a little gas indicator near the gas gauge, usually shaped like a triangle, pointing to the side of the car where the tank is located. Crisis averted!

A Logo Has 2 Roles

Next time you use that iconic Heinz 57 sauce bottle, take a moment to appreciate its design. That strategically placed number on the label also acts as a sweet spot to tap the bottle and get the sauce flowing. Ingenious, right?

Heinz 57 sauce

So there you have it! Padlocks, screwdrivers, brass doorknobs, gas indicators, and even sauce bottles – all these everyday items come with hidden features designed to make our lives just a tad bit easier. The next time you use one of these items, give a little nod of appreciation to the clever minds that designed them.