Smothered oxtails in the Southern, soul cuisine manner. Smothered in a homemade onion and garlic sauce and slow simmered in the Crock Pot till tender as a bone!
Something about southern oxtails and gravy just soothes my soul. No, really! When I’m not feeling well or having a rough day, just thinking about oxtails and rice makes me feel better. My mother used to cook oxtails on a regular basis. Especially for Sunday night’s dinner. The oxtails would be served with her excellent southern style potato salad, mixed greens, and corn muffins. We’d eat dinner like it was no big deal! The only thing left on our platter would be the bones, not a string of flesh! It was fantastic! It was, and continues to be, one of my soul food recipes.

I’ve cooked smothered oxtails in a variety of ways over the years, but I’ve finally found one that I’m going to stick with. There will be no further revisions, additions of materials, or procedures. I’ve finally found my go-to oxtail recipe. This is without a doubt my favorite southern smothered oxtail recipe.

oxtails in the southern style
FACEBOOK Hoverdminsite 2 Months Ago No Comments

2 ingredients 1/2 pound oxtail beef
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp freshly cracked or powdered black pepper 2 tsp kosher salt
a third of a cup of vegetable oil
3 cups beef broth OR 3 cups water
1 big chopped yellow onion
3 minced garlic cloves * more salt and pepper to taste


2 tsp kosher salt and 1 tsp black pepper season the oxtails.
Drizzle the Worcestershire sauce all over the oxtails, then toss them to coat.

Next, sprinkle 1/4 cup flour evenly over the oxtails, making sure to coat them completely.
Next, heat the vegetable oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.
When the oil is heated enough, add the oxtails and brown them.
Remove the oxtails from the pan and place them in the slow cooker once they are nicely browned.
Return to the heated oil in the pan.
If there are burnt parts in the pan, filter the oil, clean the pan, and then pour the strained oil back into it.
Begin adding the remaining flour to the pan, a little at a time.
Continuously whisk.
When the flour has turned brown and resembles “chunky peanut butter,” gradually add in the beef broth or water.
Pour while whisking!
Check for lumps before increasing the heat from medium to high.
Reduce the heat to medium and add the sliced onions and garlic once the gravy has reached a full boil.
Taste the gravy after it has been stirred.
Add as much salt and pepper as you believe you will need.
Turn off the heat and pour the gravy over the oxtails in the slow cooker.
Make sure the oxtails are well covered with gravy before turning the slow cooker on high.
Allow to cook for 8 hours.
Serve with mashed potatoes, rice, or anything you choose.