These zucchini pancakes are quick and easy to make, and they make an excellent side dish! They are quite light and can be served with a tomato sauce coulis or a dab of crème fraîche.

Soft zucchini pancakes are ideal as a side dish or a light evening dinner.

To ensure the recipe’s success, you must carefully measure and prepare the ingredients before beginning the preparation.

You must also adhere to the cooking time and temperature, so carefully follow the methods outlined below.


Zucchini 500g
150g Flour 3 eggs
1 garlic clove
20 cl Milk
1 tablespoon dried oregano
Season with salt and pepper


Clean the zucchini. Grate them with the skin on and press the water out.

Combine the flour, eggs, and milk in a mixing bowl. To this mixture, add the drained zucchini, peeled and crushed garlic, and oregano. Season with salt and pepper.

Make small, evenly spaced heaps in an oiled pan. Allow 3 minutes for each side to brown. Serve right away.