Cake with thick crème fraîche and lemon, incredibly moist and delicious, a simple and quick recipe to whip up to sate an impromptu sweet tooth or to serve to unexpected guests!

A delightfully delicious, crisp, soft, and juicy cake that pairs well with a nice cup of mint tea.
A traditional dessert is always a good choice, and this straightforward Lemon Cream Cake is the ideal choice for any summertime get-together or celebration. A classic will never go out of style.

Items included:

150g of flour
70g of powdered almonds
three eggs
One lemon
A 180-gram sugar
One baking powder sachet
A cl of oil (8
A quarter of a cup of dense crème fraîche

Getting ready:

Using a fork, beat the eggs and sugar together until the mixture doubles in volume and starts to foam.

Next Step
Before adding the lemon zest and juice, mix in the oil and cream.

Step 3: Lastly, mix in the flour, yeast, and powdered almonds.

Step 4: Pour the dough into a cake shape that has been greased.


Bake for about 40 minutes at 180° in a preheated oven; check the cooking time based on your oven.

Step 6: Let cool fully before removing the mold.

Really easy and quick, so don’t think twice!