In a recent interview, Michael Cassidy, a brave Christian veteran, took a bold stand against the Satanic Temple’s influence by removing the statue of Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol. Cassidy passionately appeals to his fellow Americans, encouraging them to reevaluate their cultural values and reject the insidious influence of Satan.

Cassidy’s actions have garnered both support and backlash. While he has received hate mail from individuals who sympathize with Satanism or fail to recognize the evils associated with Satan, he has also been heartened by the support of anonymous individuals who appreciate his unwavering stance against Satanism and the moral degradation in society.

Regrettably, Cassidy has had to endure significant hate mail from Satanists and their sympathizers, mostly through fake social media accounts. He recounts a poignant message from a father in Iowa who was upset that he couldn’t show his daughter the satanic idol that day. Such encounters reinforce Cassidy’s belief that this issue is of utmost importance, emphasizing that the display of such icons and idols in public spaces can have far-reaching consequences.

Cassidy firmly argues that it is crucial to keep these symbols out of public view, as the impact they have on society is profound. He reiterates his heartfelt message, “I want people to reject Satan and embrace Jesus Christ. That should be our central message. It’s disheartening to see a desire to expose children to such darkness.”

During the interview, Cassidy also underscores the significance of shaping the beliefs of the younger generation. He firmly believes that by influencing children at a young age and instilling certain beliefs in them, those values will remain with them for life. In a world where values are constantly tested, Cassidy’s unwavering commitment to his faith serves as a powerful reminder for all Americans to reflect on their beliefs and consider the impact they have on the future of our society.