Barbra Streisand, the legendary singer and actor, has always been a voice to be reckoned with. At 81 years old, she is fearlessly using her influence to defend democracy. Streisand is not holding back when it comes to expressing her concerns about the possibility of former president Donald Trump returning to power in 2024.

Streisand has been an unwavering supporter of the Democratic party for a long time, and she doesn’t hesitate to make her dislike for Trump known. She has called him names like “the Liar in Chief” and “the Groper in Chief,” describing him as “so stupid” and “ill-informed.” In a recent interview with Stephen Colbert, Streisand boldly stated, “I can’t imagine living in this country if he becomes president again.”

This isn’t the first time Streisand has made such a dramatic proclamation. Like many other celebrities, she vowed to leave the United States after Trump’s victory in 2016. At the time, she humorously remarked, “America was great – before you were elected.”

Streisand’s frustration with Trump inspired her to release her 36th album, titled “Walls,” in 2018. This musical masterpiece serves as a tribute to the struggles of Trump’s administration and includes powerful tracks like “Don’t Lie to Me.” Streisand explained that the constant stream of news and lies made her sick, and she wanted to channel her outrage through her music. She firmly believes that our country should not be deceived and stands against any form of dishonesty.

In her memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” Streisand ponders the delicate relationship between politicians and artists. She strongly believes that artists act as a nation’s conscience, urging society to face uncomfortable truths. Streisand boldly declares, “That’s why art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators.”

Unfortunately, Streisand’s powerful voice wasn’t enough to sway the voting population in 2016. Trump was elected, and celebrities like Streisand were faced with a difficult decision – should they leave the country or stay and fight? Some, like comedian George Lopez and talk show host Jon Stewart, made lighthearted jokes about leaving for other countries or even other planets. Others, like Chelsea Handler, realized that their platforms and voices were needed more than ever in a divided nation.

After four years of turmoil, Streisand sees hope in President Joe Biden. She admires his compassion, honesty, and integrity and believes that the country is moving in the right direction. However, she remains concerned about the upcoming elections and the possibility of Trump returning to power. Streisand is determined not to live in a country ruled by a man she considers “so stupid” and “so ill-informed.”

In the end, Streisand envisions a new America, one that is free from pollution, obscenities, insults, and vengeance. She calls for the restoration of the nobility of truth, firmly convinced that only then will America truly be great again.

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