So-called “detox” diets are becoming more popular on the Internet. They all promise incredible outcomes in a short period of time. As a result, those who wish to lose weight are confronted with a plethora of options, making it difficult to determine which diet will be most beneficial.

Above all, protect your health by avoiding detox diets that make unrealistic promises. These diets must include high-quality foods and should not last more than a few days because they may impair your athletic ability.

The soup-based belly-deflating remedy that we reveal to you is only effective for 7 days. Furthermore, this soup recipe has a variety of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the healthy functioning of your metabolism.

1 huge cabbage head
five carrots
1 or 2 peeled tomato cans
three liters of water
Celery with parsley
Curry, salt, pepper…
Make a huge batch of this soup and set it aside to consume at each meal for a week.
Adopt the following one-week plan:

Only fruit is permitted on the first day, in addition to soup.
Only vegetables are permitted on the second day, in addition to the soup. There is no fruit.
On the third day, in addition to soup, fruits and vegetables are permitted.
Only bananas and almonds are permitted on the fourth day, in addition to the soup.
Only tomatoes and beef (150 g maximum) are permitted on the fifth day, in addition to the soup.
On the sixth day, in addition to the soup, steak (150 g maximum) and vegetables are permitted.
On the seventh day, in addition to soup, veggies and quinoa are permitted.
You should have shed 4 kg after a week. Watch what you eat for a few more days and you’ll lose another 500 g to 1 kilo.
Suppressant of appetite: Vegetables have the unique ability to make you feel fuller faster than other foods. Without delving into dull technical reasons (I’m not here to teach you, but rather to provide you with tried-and-true advice), when we eat veggies, our stomach feels fuller than when we eat pizza or a McDonald’s hamburger, right? This is the basis for losing weight with vegetable soup. You will lose weight since you will not be tempted to eat more during your meal.