One of the most challenging household appliances to clean is the oven.

After each cooking, remnants of splashes and food residues build and jam its walls.
The oven develops a substantial amount of grime and grease stains over time. Its cleaning is frequently postponed or even neglected due to a lack of time or will.

As a result, food remains adhere to the interior walls of the oven and are extremely difficult to remove. And, like with all appliances, improper maintenance prevents optimal performance.

How do you clean an oven?

The solution is to use the following approach if you want to continue producing roasted dishes without having to spend hours cleaning the oven.

This is based on the usage of a laundry product that has been demonstrated to be effective in cleaning.
Using a dishwashing cap, clean the oven:

Dishwasher tablets continue to be an excellent oven cleaning solution due to their degreasing and sanitizing characteristics. Simply lay a capsule on a baking sheet or heat-resistant dish to experience its many benefits.

Then, pour boiling water over the product and place the container in a 100°C oven. Allow to cook for an hour with the oven door closed. As a result, the capsule will begin to melt and emit a cleaning vapor inside the oven.
Droplets of steam are deposited on the oven walls, softening tough grime and food residues, allowing them to peel off more readily.

To finish the cleaning, simply wipe with a moist towel. Repeat with a clean towel for a flawless finish.

Dishwasher tablets are meant to remove dirt from dishes at high temperatures. So it’s no surprise that it works to clean the oven!
Droplets of steam are deposited on the oven walls, softening tough grime and food residues, allowing them to peel off more readily.To finish the cleaning, simply wipe with a moist towel. Repeat with a clean towel for a flawless finish.

Dishwasher tablets are meant to remove dirt from dishes at high temperatures. So it’s no surprise that it works to clean the oven!
There are numerous methods for removing dirt from within the oven. These are a wonderful substitute for chemical cleaning supplies.