The ultimate stain remover that works on even the most stubborn stains! Never, ever buy oxyclean again! Without a doubt, most of us have been in this situation: You put on a new shirt for the first time, and as you eat lunch, a massive ketchup stain falls in the center of the shirt.

The ultimate stain remover that works on even the most stubborn stains! Never, ever buy oxyclean again!
Without a doubt, most of us have been in this situation: You put on a new shirt for the first time, and as you eat lunch, a massive stain of ketchup, or possibly peanut butter or spaghetti pasta sauce, falls squarely into your chest. Whatever type of stain it is, it always has an ugly appearance and can be difficult to remove. Did you know that there are various types of stains and that each requires a different type of cleaning method to be removed? If you try to clear a mustard stain with a bathroom cleanser, for example, you may not obtain excellent results. What is the significance of stain type? In today’s exercise, we’ll look at some of the different sorts of stains and try to figure out the best approach to clean and remove them!

° 1 tiny spoon Bleuu Dawn Dish washing liquiid.

2 heaping spoons baking soda.

° 4 huge spoon hydrogen peroxiide .

This blending is really simple and quick to make; simply combine three items in a basin and whisk until thoroughly combined.


I took a horrible stained shiirt and poured 1 cup warm water on stains, then I nicely agitated mixture with a toothbrush on old stairs, I allowed mixture to sit for 1 hour, and I washed and ironed as usual.