This fudge is simple to prepare and tasty. Enjoy this with your family and friends. Use a candy thermometer for the best results. Prepare your candy thermometer because Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge is all a homemade fudge should be. I’ve been looking everywhere for the chocolate fudge that I had.

This fudge is simple to prepare and tasty. Enjoy this with your family and friends. Use a candy thermometer for the best results.

Prepare your candy thermometer because Old Fashioned Chocolate Fudge is all a homemade fudge should be.

I’ve been looking and looking for the chocolate fudge I had when I was approximately 8 or 10 years old, if you can believe it! The fudge melted in your tongue and was somewhat crumbly.

The original recipe makes 60 servings.


2 cups granulated sugar

12 c. cocoa

1 quart milk

4 tbsp. melted butter

a tsp vanilla extract


Step 1 of instructions
Grease an 8-inch square baking pan with cooking spray. Place aside.

Step 2 In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar, cocoa, and milk. Stir to combine, then bring to a boil while constantly stirring. Simmer on low heat. Do not stir any further.

Step 3 Place a candy thermometer in the pan and cook until the temperature hits 238 degrees Fahrenheit (114 degrees Celsius). If you don’t have a thermometer, cook until a drop of this mixture forms a soft ball in a cup of cold water. Feel the ball with your fingertips to ensure it has the proper consistency. When pushed between your fingers, it should flatten.

Step 4
Take the pan off the heat. Mix in the butter or margarine and the vanilla extract. Beat the fudge with a wooden spoon until it loses its gloss. Do not under-estimate.

Step 5 Pour into the prepared pan and let aside to cool. Make about 60 squares.