Valerie Bertinelli, a well-known actress, is using her platform to shed light on an important issue – the concept of “hidden bruises.” In a recent video uploaded to Instagram on February 12, 2023, Bertinelli bravely shared her experiences and journey towards healing.

In the video, Bertinelli can be seen walking and talking to the camera. As she moves, we hear a swishing sound caused by her jeans rubbing together. With a giggle, Bertinelli explains, “I had a small, hidden bruise activated today. My jeans are rubbing together, creating this particular sound, so you can probably hear them.”

But this bruise is not physical; it is emotional and mental. Bertinelli confesses that she stopped wearing these pants because her ex used to mock her relentlessly, attributing the noise to her laziness and weight. The hurtful remarks took a toll on her self-esteem and became a “hidden bruise” that affected her deeply.

“Hidden bruises are something that emotional, verbal, and mental abuse does to you that people can’t see,” Bertinelli clarifies. The scars left by such abuse go unnoticed by others, making it difficult for survivors to heal and move forward. But Bertinelli is determined to break free from this pain.

Through her healing journey, Bertinelli finds solace in the fact that the work she’s doing is paying off. She puts those jeans in storage for good, symbolizing her freedom from the emotional baggage they carried. “To me, that sound represents freedom,” she declares.

Bertinelli admits that she had reservations about sharing this video, anticipating comments telling her to let go and move on. However, she decided to publish it because she believes that this is what healing looks like – acknowledging the pain and finding the strength to overcome it. She wants to create a safe space for others who can relate, assuring them that they are not alone.

The response to Bertinelli’s video has been overwhelmingly positive. In the comments section, many express their gratitude for her openness and share their own experiences with hidden bruises. One commenter acknowledges that healing is not a linear process but appreciates Bertinelli’s resilience and progress. Another supporter applauds her strength and the inspiration she provides to others.

If you can relate to the concept of “hidden bruises,” know that you are not alone. Healing takes time and can be a challenging journey. And if you have ever worn pants that made a swishing sound when you walked, remember that there is a community of people who understand and support you. Together, we can heal and move forward.

To watch the video and learn more about Valerie Bertinelli’s quest for healing, click below: