Learn how to make apple crumble with caramel and whipped cream, a dessert served in glasses that will please everyone. is appealing and fashionable.

This preparation’s immense sweetness will enchant your guests. It’s made using simple ingredients, yet the mixture is delicious. Learn how to create this delicious treat!

To create the Caramel Apple Crumble with Whipped Cream recipe effectively, you must carefully measure and prepare the ingredients before beginning the preparation. You must also adhere to the cooking time and temperature, so carefully follow the methods outlined below.


Time to prepare: 40 minutes
Time to cook: 25 minutes



  • 70 g flour + 50 g almond powder
  • 100g brown sugar – 50g oats – 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
    70 g chilled butter, cut into cubes


  • 25 g butter – 80 ml whipping cream – 100 g sugar – 2 tablespoons water

Whipping cream

375 mL crème fraîche + 2 tbsp icing sugar


  • 2 apples – 1 tablespoon butter – a teaspoon of sugar – a pinch of cinnamon

Apple Crumble with Caramel and Whipped Cream Preparation

Preheat the oven to 180°F.

Mix the ingredients in a large mixing basin to form the crumble. Knead everything together with your hands to get a lumpy mixture. Spread this mixture in a baking dish lined with parchment paper. To harden, bake for a quarter-hour.

Meanwhile, create the caramel by combining the water and sugar in a saucepan. Caramelize while stirring constantly. Take the pan off the heat and stir in the butter. Add the cream and stir one more. Return to the heat and continue to cook, stirring constantly. The sugar should be entirely dissolved, and the caramel should be smooth. Transfer the mixture to a bowl to cool at this point.

Whip the cream and icing sugar together until firm, then pipe it into a piping bag. Apples should be peeled, cored, and sliced into little cubes. Gently cook them with the butter, sugar, and cinnamon.

Finally, assemble the verrines by layering whipped cream, caramel, crumble, and apples. Continue in this manner until the containers are full, then top with caramel. Refrigerate for at least a couple hours. The apple crumble with caramel and whipped cream is finished and ready to serve.