Oh yes! This is ideal for folks who wish to believe they can eat dessert without gaining weight. It contains everything, but it’s so light, delicious, and fun! Enjoy!

I used to be the pickiest eater ever. I was even particular about dessert, as I disliked pie crust. What???? I was a wild child. If I still felt the same, I might be a few pounds lighter.

Now I’m not sure if this is the correct recipe… There are many of them available, but this is the one I tested. When I initially cooked it, I thought to myself, “wow… this is a LOT of dessert.” So I invited some buddies around and told them about it. I kind of regretted it later since it was so incredible. This dessert’s graham cracker crust is my favorite, and I’ve used it in every recipe that calls for a graham cracker crust thereafter. It’s simply fantastic.
I’ve made it twice now, and I truly believe this is the recipe we’ve been looking for. It’s so good that it vanishes practically instantly. My spouse claimed he remembered his grandmother cooking it when he was a kid. I adore the meals that we all grew up with; they are simply too excellent to pass up.

Hoverdminsite 2 Years Ago No Comments FACEBOOK The Famous Woolworth Ice Box Cheesecake

You will require:
1 package (3 ounces) lemon Jell-O
8 oz. cream cheese 1 cup boiling water
1 granulated sugar cup
4 tbsp lemon juice (less if you don’t like a lot of lemon)
1 Carnation can Evaporated milk, crushed Graham crackers, properly chilled

Boiling water is used to dissolve Jell-O. Allow to cool until somewhat thickened.

With an electric mixer, smooth out the cream cheese, sugar, and lemon juice. Beat in the thicker Jell-O.

In a separate dish, whip the Carnation milk until it is light and fluffy. Mix in the cream cheese/Jell-O mixture thoroughly with a mixer.

Line the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch baking dish with crushed Graham crackers.

Spread the filling on top and sprinkle with extra crushed Graham crackers. Chill.